Monday, April 13, 2009

So Much For Project Get Along.

I am frustrated. Extremely frustrated. Now, I am seeing some improvement, so, don't think I am about to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Nuh Uh. I am way too tenacious for that!

I think most everyone is a little familiar with what I tried to effect between SHR and DCRR.
A desire to work together and learn from each other.
Just in case, anyone was confused.
Hell, I was in it, and I am confused.
Confused how something that held such promise could have gone so terribly wrong.

That wasn't my only go at that. Nope. There were 3 similar experiments in place. At the same time.
Not to mention, all the message board use.

For What? Trying to get people on the same page. A common goal. Because, I really hate slaughter.
Makes this tough former dealers daughter want to heave just thinking about it.
I do not believe that service animals should be classified as, livestock.
That was the first mistake in the use of the language.

So what have I been doing? Poking everyone in the arse with a sharp stick. Hoping they will prove me wrong. Or, right.
I wish we could all just get one part right. For the horses. And debate the symantics at a later date.

I am very sad to report, that all 3 efforts to encourage communication and a desire to work together between rescues, have at this time failed.
I can only state at this time, that the killing blow seemed to be, Personalities before Principles.

But, I am tenacious. Very tenacious. Think Pitbull with 2 sets of teeth. And I am a fighter.
Not a quitter.

So, here is what I have to say. I would strongly suggest, that all rescues get their game on.
Sooner rather than later.
Because guess what? If, you do not? And this ridiculous fighting continues? I am going to publish every provable fact of everything you do wrong.
And you just might be surprised what I know.

Like for instance, who has the highest unattended and untreated death rate due to colic. Not who anyone would guess. I guarantee that.

And who subsidizes the greatest number of their own personal horses with rescue funds.

And who has an even more interesting background than I do.

And who has a more interesting present.

And who has the highest injury rate of adopters of poorly placed horses.

And who has the poorest monitoring of professed contracts.

And who places incomplete rehabs who die in their new placement.

And who claims to have more horses than they actually do to gain more donations.

I have more. But I think everyone gets the point. I am not interested in destroying any rescue.
Or, taking away their donation dollars and supporters.
I am just sick and tired of the shit. Because SOME of the folks supposedly supporting the cause are playing a rather large part in destroying it.
And now, is not the time. Like there could ever be a good time for this kind of shit!

Believe the powers that be have their game faces on. Believe Industry has it's face on. Pro-Slaughter thinks it has nothing to fear.
And the people who are on the fence don't know what the hell to think with all this rescue drama.

So quit the crap Ladies! And I can say that. Because, the men laid down awhile ago. And let's save some equines shall we?
We could you know? Might even be amazing what we could all accomplish. If, we would just work together.

Sorry about the blackmail. And sorry if it offends. But, I care more about the cause itself, than, I do the sensibilities of those who truly should know better.
Oh, and get those euthanasia funds in place. Because IF you get a chance to prove this cause?
You/we are going to need them.
Now Play Nice Damn It!!!

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