Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Catholic Church Does Not Support Abortion Should Rescue Be Supporting Slaughter?

Here it comes. It took me, quite literally, a couple of days, to recover from my last sale exposure.
That and starting another job to feed what relies upon me.
Sorry. I digress.

Everyone wanted to jump my shit for saying, I would be voting Pro-Slaughter. It didn't matter why I said it.
It didn't matter that all I did was say, what every rescue that buys from a sale venue, or from a slaughter buyer, does.
That is right. If, as a rescue operative, you buy from a dealer or slaughter buyer, YOU are SUPPORTING slaughter.

I have been amazed from the beginning by this. And NOT in a good way.
It is the height of hypocrisy.
Does The Catholic Church in any way finance birth control, abortion, or even, The March Of Dimes?
Nope. They do not. Right or Wrong, they stand for their beliefs.
Rescue does not.
The stunning part is, they do not even seem to realise what they are supporting with all of their public awareness campaigning.
And donation dollars.
S L A U G H T E R!..

I do not mean to be rude. But, it really is so simple. So simple, I am amazed and beyond confused, how that portion got lost in translation.
How do you keep score of a ball game when both teams are playing for the same side?

I dare always to SAY the unpopular thing. I dare always to challenge most everything.
Might go a very long way towards explaining WHY I have spent so much time in the legal system.
Rescue is a vehicle. Being fueled and driven exactly where it says it intends not to go.
What would we call that? Navigational Fail?

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