Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let's Get Over Ourselves Shall We!?!

It is my experience that everyone has their own preconceived notions and ideas. And issues...

Poor Turd Burglar. You have been overworked lately haven't you.

Well, I apologize for my part in this.

I would like to say, before any one' ego over inflates. MyHorseWearsPrada made a simple point in her posting that got my attention.
In that it was time.

It was very clear. Because it wasn't muddied up with scream type or insult.

So, I pulled the private card. And put most everything in Draft.

Because the point is. The rage isn't who I am. It was more a costume donned to prove the point. The only good thing about the anonymity factor? Is when you slip up and go to the crazy place? Or the angry and profane or abusive place? You think it doesn't follow you in real life. Because nobody knows who you are. But it does.

Because it becomes a part of you.

And at the very least, a part of how you process internally.

It has a very real power to affect your outlook on life.

It saddens me how many will attack under the guise of anonymity. Because I recognize that for what it is. You.

All of you who post such ugly and hurtful things about people you don't even know.

And then, when you try to up your credibility in the world of anonymity, and theoretically, try to establish abuse as deserved, to comfort all the other people who may be recognizing their own slip and re-engage them, CLAIM to KNOW the individual that is the subject IN REAL LIFE?

Well YOU frighten ME!

And there are those of you who do that.

Just as I stated about the whole expert opinions expressed on the SHR photo shopping thing.

IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH THAT KIND OF EXPERTISE WHILE REMAINING ANONYMOUS... And no, that isn't meant as screaming at anyone. People have a tendency to look at the big stuff. It grabs the eye if you will.

This blog has simply been an exercise. A study if you will. To prove or disprove my theory about people.

And the internet.

And people+internet+anonymity.

And what that equation can create.

And you know what? Some people don't change no matter where they present themselves. Good and bad.

There are a few that I would even like to know in real life.

And there are some? That I only want to know who they are that I may see them coming.

And avoid them.

I would like to point one other thing out. To the attention needy posters. Another equation.

I am something of a freak for numbers.

50,000 readers+10-30 posters does not necessarily mean it is about your contribution as a poster.

Because the numbers used to be much higher.

Another factor of anonymity is the reader. How many people advertise that they like and/or are addicted to pornographic content? How many politicians have we seen advertise that they like little boys, prostitutes, and/or drugs? How many have we later learned these things about after they are in office? The Catholic Church has some of these same problems. Unfortunately, most every walk of life does. Deviancy does not discriminate based on social or income level.

Which is why, I have always referred to some of the blogs as the guilty little secret of some.

It is my personal theory, that readers may choose to enjoy watching other anonymous individuals spiral out of control.

Why? Because in the land of anonymity it isn't necessary to be a responsible citizen.

As so many have pointed out, for varying reasons, there is no real enforcement of the rules on some of the message boards.

Which, has led some to interpret, that there are no rules period.

It is like reading the Enquirer with dirty words. Or that one that always advertises the most ludicrous things. Aliens, half-human half-wolf 100 year old woman gives birth to twins.

Interesting read? I hope so. Notice the absence of anything? My husband says, I am a profiler.
I like to know what is going on in the world I and my family live in. To do that I have to do much research.
I won't lie. Unresearched opinions? Mean nothing to me other than what percentage of the people living in the world have them. Because it represents another number for me.
The number of truly ignorant people in the world.
And what part ignorance plays in so much of what is wrong with the world today.

If you think you know me? And you haven't sat at my table for a meal ever? I guarantee that you do not know me well enough for me to ever stop surprising you.


  1. here's the thing , posting as me or my screen name I own what I say and post and at the end of the day the "anonimity does not and will not protect me from my own concience. Thats me and on the net or in person what you see is what you get ,I am just by nature too lazy for the subterfuge involved. That all said I am not a saint , or perfect , I am by times a royal bitch ! but hey it is what it is .And at the end of the day ...
    If you feel strongly about this fight ,then go for it ,more power to you .
    Just ( and I know how you do love my advice ) do protect yourself in this "loose the battle ,save the soldier, win the war"

  2. FV
    I actually do love your advice. And the last part of your post?
    Is exactly why.

  3. No problem. I started working overtime with the deterioration of the posts on fhotd. The Tumblebugs and I do a booming business in virtual compost. We can take the worst that humanity has put forth and turn it into something good. Btw, we drop all to help clean up after rescues.


    Isn't amazing to see how people really are when they think they are unknown and that there are no repercussions to their words and actions? I think people as a whole are very scary, despicable creatures when you take away what makes them conduct themselves in a decent manner when they can't hide behind a screen name and keyboard.

    What people will stoop to when they think no one is watching is truly appalling and also eye opening. We all think we know people in real life, when all we really know is what they want us to know. The real person behind that smiling face of your friendly neighbor, minister, doctor, babysitter??? They are the real them when they think no one is looking, so who would YOU like to be?

    I, for one, want to be the same person no matter who's looking or might find out. I don't want to do something or be someone I might be ashamed of if someone were to know that it was me.

  5. Sorry for posting anon... Still figuring this all out. I am Ashke so that you all know who I am.

    Roses Well said, and I agree, I would rather be known for who I am, than hide behind a fictitious name.

    Thank you, your rightings are honest, open, and blunt, and that is something hard to come by.

    Excuse my poor spelling please.

  6. Thank you Ashke.

    People say they want honesty and then confuse it with truth.
    And reject the honesty out of hand as being untrue.
    Usually because they realize some part of it applies to them also.
    Conscience is our internal warning system of right and wrong.
    And when we violate it by being or doing something for lack of a better phrase, "Not Good"?
    It does become a part of us.
    And if there is no conscience involved then it becomes pathalogical and sociopathic deviancy.
    Really scary stuff that.
    And far more common than some realize.

    Hey roses? And the cake crowd thought I was illiterate.lol

  7. Ok I think I figured this out now. :)

    Your welcome Dena.

    Honestly, once upon a time I was one of those people who felt I had to conform to the group as a whole "to feel accepted," but then I grew up and realized that I am much happier, and healthier, just being honest and myself. I no longer give a shit about the general populations view of me. The people that matter are my family and true friends.

    We all have had our moments and completely screwed things up at one time or another. That's called life, live and learn from your mistakes and move on. Unfortunately not everyone knows how to do that, or even cares enough to attempt it.

    Sorry that I'm ranting, and not entirely on topic...

  8. Ashke I am unable by design to conform. So I get what you are expressing on that.
    I believe that every part and action of my life has value.
    In that it has all played a part in forming who I have become. And when you throw free will choice in as to Who or What I will choose to evolve into?
    I get excited by my choices.
    Conforming for me involves accepting the good and the bad as defined and determined by the group I have chosen to conform to. Not with.
    Conforming for me is clinging.
    I am coming to enjoy spending time with my true self. Not what others would make of me.
    And as you say family and true friends are what matter.
    And the Freedom to be "your" self.

  9. Dena,
    It took me quite a long time to realize that I am healthier and much happier just being myself. Like I said before, we live and learn. It just took me eight years to learn that I am a much better person on my own, than being a follower.

  10. I'm corn-fused??? Who are the "cake" crowd? I know I'm missing something but I don't know what it is? Oh yeah, that's right, I think I misplaced it somewhere. Now if only I could remember where...

    Why would anyone think you are illiterate?? I, myself, have never gotten that impression.

    I couldn't conform in high school. I still can't. It got me in a couple of fights, one of which got me expelled. Scenario? Popular jock(my friend's BF) picking on the scrawny skater punk. I didn't like it and stood up for skater kid (this before grunge became popular). Well, the whole group turned on me like a pack of wolves and I was completely ostracised by people I USED to call "friends". They hounded me for months(pushing me into lockers, calling me a bitch, tripping me, knocking my books out of my hands, stalking me, threatening to beat me up) before I finally broke and gave at least one of them what they had coming. And after that person got what they deserved?? Tail tucked between legs, backpeddling like mad, saying that they never wanted to fight and she doesn't know why it came to this-She thought we were friends?? Wow! Sounds familiar...

  11. roses

    Standing up for what you believe in and yourself?
    Doing the right thing?
    And fighting?
    Why I just never saw this coming. ROTFL
    The cake crowd?
    Think...Grammar...And spelling...Punctuation,,,,,,becuz. And 69% of my readers have incomes that exceed $60,000. And they are really smart. And they never have children.
    Oh and their sh*t does not stink either. Apparently the only exception to this is when they post.
    This is going to cost me...:)

  12. Muwhahahaaa! I thought that was the Kook Aid Troup? I always wondered what the hell the deal was with the no children part. It just smacks of spoiled little rotten heifers that are old and bitter, that don't want to share. But what I REALLY think is funny is how they are experts on parenting and think some of the people featured should be turned in to DCFS for the horrible parent award that goes out at least once a month!! I always want to ask what flip makes them an expert??

    It seems everyone without children is an expert on how to parent them. NIICE!

    Me FIGHT??? Never! (looks around sheepishly) HEE HEE! Oh well sometimes I just have to get the red out!

  13. Well I gladly can say that I am not a member of either the cake crowd, or the kool aid troop. lol My written grammar, spelling, and punctuation all suck. But at least I am honest, I post when I have something to say, whether it be fact or opinion. For the most part I am able to tell the difference between BS and truth.

    "spoiled little rotten heifers that are old and bitter"

    This made me laugh. My seven month old laughed with me.
    Oh and Roses, I never got to ask. How is your little one?

  14. Ashke,

    You were holding out on me! I didn't know you had a little one!!?? And yours is close in age to mine. Rowan just turned 8 months old yesterday! He's crawling everywhere, he's trying to stand up and of course getting into everything LOL. He's such a joyous part of our lives and I can't imagine missing out on this for the world. I never knew I could love another human being so much or be this patient. I think having children is a discovery about yourself, you learn things you never knew or would've without them in your life.

    So do you have a boy or girl?? Details gotta share the details!

  15. Roses,

    Lol I have a little girl, there is a pic on my profile. Chloe is just over seven months old now, and still figuring out how to move forward. :) I agree, being a parent is definatly a learning experience. I wouldn't trade her for the world. lol I told my husband that he is second on my list. I can honestly say that I would do anything for her. I have never had anyone be so precious to me.

    She is already starting to talk, shocked us a couple of weeks ago by saying "I love you da." Clear as a bell. She barks at our three dogs, and generaly terrorizes them when in her walker. So far she LOVES horses, dogs, cats, chickens, but is afraid of the goats next door. lol

    This little one is going to be trouble when she is older, I can already tell, she is just like me, independent and stuborn. lol Oh and to top it off, she's a red head with curles. lol

    I have made a lot of changes to my life over the past 16 months. Before I found out I was having her, I was still acting like a 23 year old. lol But now... Well, now I am responsible.

  16. Wow Ashke! Our stories are pretty similar. I was still acting like a 23yo as well and the changes to my life in the last 2 years have been monumental.

    Rowan's 8 months, yesterday actually, no distinct words just baby babble. He crawls everywhere, is stubborn, willful, independent, smart as a whip and a complete chick magnent.

    Chloe's little wisp of curls...AWW! So kyoot! She's adorable and trust me when I say I wouldn't say so if I didn't think so! Not all babies are cute.

  17. roses,
    It was your son's birthday yesterday and you were negotiating to buy yourself a horse?
    Typical horsewoman.
    Now don't get bent. I already know you well enough to know you are just investing in his future.
    Kind of like a college fund. The only difference is, you are banking your time and money to guarantee he never gets beat in 4H or at the local show.
    Just kidding. Well kind of as I have been guilty of that kind of thinking more than once.
    4 of the fingers are pointing right back at me.
    And that is just on the one hand.ROL

  18. Roses,
    Your right when you say not all babies are cute. lol I love her little curls, she got her first hair cut last night, I couldnt keep her bangs out of her eyes.

    I love the comparison between a college fund, and preparing him for 4-H. :)

    And I see nothing at all wrong with a mother treating herself on her childs birth day.:) She did put in all the work. ;)

  19. You girls! I swear! Yes it was his b-day and I was horse negotiating. Actually, that's why I want something pleasure bred, I was thinking of him maybe riding someday. All the horses I had before, no body but crazy me wanted to ride them nor did I think they were safe for the average horseperson. I am guilty of all that you speak of. LOL

    I've had a pretty rough day and a half so I'll talk more later.

    Goodnight ladies!

  20. Thats ok Roses, theres nothing wrong with being guilty of that. Especially when you want to share with him.

    Chloe already has her first horse lined up. Gracie "QH mare" will belong to Chloe after she is retired from showing. So I'm thinking 5-7 years before lessons start. I will probably start Chloe in lessons when she is 7, but we will see.
