Saturday, May 23, 2009

What If? What If A Person Won The Lottery?

Can you imagine? I think most everyone has had that particular thought. What if I won the lottery?
What would I do?

Speaking for myself? I would send everything on the place to other trainers. The dogs and cats would go to the groomers and be boarded for a week or two.
I would dump piles of grain all over the farm site to keep the chickens and geese contented.
The rabbit would get some type of timed feeder.
And I would sleep.

For like a week.

And then, I would contact a real estate agent. And plan for the future. Contact the lawyer to set up some trusts for things I believe in.
And sleep some more.

Oh and I would have sent Micah and his Dad on one of those Disney cruises. So, I actually could sleep.

I would not tell anyone either. Nope. That alone has the power to change so much.
People could wonder.
But, I would not tell.

And I would buy a very big windmill. And a tractor. I have always wanted one. Probably an old grey and red Ford. John Deer is expensive.
I wanted a Kubota. I love orange. But that seems a bit extravagant.

What would you all do? If, you won the lottery?


  1. Funny question really ,I have never come up with the answer, for me . I suspect I would keep on doing just what I do , maybe more sleep. Help out the the family (give the young ones a hewead start for education. I hope it would afford me more time to do the things I want to do , not just the things I must!

  2. Personaly, If I won the lottery I would take care of my mother. Purchase a large piece of property, have two houses at iether end, give my mother one to raise my little brother in, and try my best to be self suficiant. I would not buy a bunch of crap that I do not need. I would not throw money around carelessly, and I would keep quiet about my winnings. I am sure that I would have a few horses, and a large flock of chickens and ducks. lol I've turned into a farm bird nut lately. If I was able to buy property large enough, I might even let my sister and nephew live on site as well. But only on the condition that she get rid of the P.O.S. that she is with now. I wouldnt want "him" living around my daughter. I would set my nephew and little brother up with funds for schooling of their choice. And just generally take care of my own.

    Can you tell that I have this planned out? :)

  3. Assuming a the kind of lottery that covers all current and future needs. I would pay off all my bills, set aside a nice big chunk of money for my mom, quit my job, then sit back and spend a lot of time deciding what to do next.

    I've got lots of ideas of what I'd like to do, but I don't think they'll gel unless I have the opportunity.

  4. You know what guys? I just want to be able to breathe.
    For the most part I really enjoy what I do.
    It is the stress over money that keeps everything far from ideal.

  5. Dont we all just want to be able to breath easy? I understand the stress over money, and I am not in rescue or own any horses. Just the cost of every day life is high enough for me. But honestly I can not complain, we have enough money to pay all our bills on time, we have a roof over our heads, all of our animals are well taken care of, and we are mostly healthy, "with a few bumps and bruises."

    For once in my life I am greatfull that I was raised in a middle class family without many luxuries. I was taught from an early age how to live simply, and be happy doing it. Personaly I feel like I am doing better than alot of people who have much more money than me. I did not loose assests in the stock market, I have not been dinged by raising intrest rates, I have not had a house forclose on me. I am lucky, I have my husband, daughter, family and all my pets. And even though I may not have a bunch of money, I am doing quite well for a 27 year old.
    Now I'm not saying that things aren't tight, because they are, but we are making things work by living off the basics, and it is more than enough.

    I wish more people were capable of living off the basics, but alot of people just dont know how anymore.

    Dena, I hope you keep enjoying what all you do, because once you dont enjoy it anymore, then what is the point?

  6. Ashke you are exactly right. When you stop enjoying it it is time to make change.
    Now if, my damn paycheck jobs would stop getting in the way of working my horses I would be a very happy girl.LOL
