Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who Do I Hate...and why.

No one. Takes too much time and effort. And there is no one who is worth the sacrifice of your soul. At least, not if you hate them.
I get annoyed.
And there are some people that I might wish would fall into a very deep hole.
But hate?
Uh huh.

Hate is expensive. And consuming. It colors everything. And not in the best of light.
It is ugly.
And causes the hater to become ugly as well.

So, there is the answer to the question of who do I hate. And why.


  1. I actively hated my ex-husband for a few years. It was a case of good daddy(who buys them everything they wanted) and bad mommy who made them do schoolwork, chores, mind their manners, pick up after themselves, get up in the morning, go to bed at a decent time. Then, one day, I realized I felt sorry for him because he lost an awful lot when I walked away. I still do not like him very much but that whole family has a lot more problems than I care to deal with anyway. The Petty Bitch I rather feel sorry for also; because she thinks she has the world by the ass and she does not. Again, I no longer hate her. Waste of time because in the end it does not matter. What matters is how we live our lives and how we treat other people, deserving or not. Does that mean we have become grown-ups? I dunno--and maybe I doan wanna, either!!!!

  2. well put Dena, hate will only destroy us in the end
