Thursday, June 18, 2009

ODE TO THE TINFOIL HAT BRIGADE...And just because HP can use a laugh...

"Not even a sledgehammer". Still chuckling over that. Blown by the gentle and wonderful words of two other ladies.
And HP always try to remember that it is the sledgehammer calling for kindness as a means to
How did we do it? How did we become one of the most solid families to be found anywhere on the internet?
We FOUGHT for it that's how!!! Any and all comers, each other, and ourselves.
Man are we good or what!?!
The ticket to play cost all. And I can honestly say, it was worth the price for the privilege of sharing the journey in company like this.
Take that Ole Pointy Pants...


  1. Personal revelation, I have horses to train. A lot of them.
    I better get busy.
