Thursday, June 4, 2009

Have You Ever Noticed?..

That when things go bad no matter how hard you try to muddle through it just gets worse?
Like an avalanche, mudslide, tsunami, maybe, it even comes on like a hurricane?
Or, at least, it feels that way.
And we have all been conditioned to never say, "It can't get any worse". And to try to refrain from questioning, "What next"?

Like when, the truck needs an expensive repair, the car has bad brakes and needs new tires, and you hit something you shouldn't with the lawn mower and that gives up the ghost too?
Who would dare to say, "What next"?
And you find an inexpensive repair place. YAY!!! And then, see the utility bill that was due from last week. That you forgot about when the truck broke down.

And then, when you are gazing out the window trying to recenter yourself while taking a very deep breath, you notice that the horses are out.
And as, you go to address that, it begins to rain.
And then, you remember you still have to get the hay put away that was delivered yesterday.

Funny how all that can work. Or, not.

Sometimes, it all seems a bit much doesn't it? I am sure we could all add our own twist to the examples I have given here.
And it could seem and feel so much worse.
Our own problems always are. The worst.
Because they are "our" problems.
And sometimes, those problems, either, are not, or do not seem, resolvable. At least, at that moment.

And sometimes, someone shows up and says, "Hey, let me give you a hand". Wow!!!
Way cool.
Almost makes up for having been found sitting in the dirt, bawling, and snot running.
That can feel a little embarassing.
Especially when, the problem wasn't that big. With some help to solve it.

We know someone, besides ourselves*laughing*, who is having most of the problems I mentioned.
And while, it may be overwhelming for one.
It is not so much so for 2-3-4-5-6.

Call it a new way to sweep in front of anothers doorstep. And I am not thinking about all of my own work today.
I took yesterday off to get some of that done.
And there is that log in my eye that keeps from realizing that I should only care about me and mine.*really laughing*

When things seemed at their worst, someone said to me,"Are things really that bad? Because we have a saying around here about you".
In between sniffles and sniffs, I said, "Oh yeah, what's that"?(real pitiful like)
She said, "We always joke that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, The Devil says, Oh shit! She's awake".
That has proven a mighty powerful tool for a tenacious person with a sometimes stubborn and perverse streak.
A mighty powerful tool indeed...

Have A Great Day Everyone... And try not to forget that we all need a helping hand from time to time.
Yep, we all surely do. Sometimes, most especially, when we, ourselves, have caused the problem to begin with.
Think, help I have fallen and I can't get up. Who knew, there was so much quicksand in the world today?


  1. I love it!! I got a call from the barn owner saying my troublesome black filly was out of her paddock. BO tries to put her back, and she promptly charges and strikes at him. So, Mr. 20 years of natural horsemanshit asks his wife to try. Misty charged her, too. BO finally resorts to golfcart to herd filly back into paddock. Good thing I am moving them on Monday.
    Sometimes I have to laugh when I realize that I have had a melt-down over some little thing or something overwhich I really have no control.
    Look out, devil!! Here I come!!

  2. At least you put your hay up when it rains. That seems to be optional at one boarding barn I was at. Needless to say that didn't last long.

  3. sounds like a day ! My sisters favorite line on days like that is "why am I having this day?"
    The sun is always gonna come up the next day whether we are ready or not right?

  4. AofG I got tired of hefting the big bales with a cotton lead hand over hand into the hayloft.
    Now it is stored in the silo which is old school divided in 4 sections with wood plank all the way up.
    And the horse trailer. As the head is blown in the diesel where am I going?LOL
    Broke my lawnmower blade an housing today helping out a friend and being obstinate about mowing a particular area. And then, we argued about who was paying for it. I said, it was my mower so there. She said, "Well, you don't have the repair guys number so HA!".
    Good friends are worth their weight aren't they?
    She also, had a wonderful picnic supper for us. And a cake for our boys to celebrate the last day of school.
    It can always be worse. But sometimes life is so sweet it is humbling.

    Hey Fern it ended up being 8 people who came together.
    I am learning not to think I have to find a way to solve everything myself.LOL
    All things considered it was a beautiful day. For everyone I hope...
