Sunday, June 7, 2009

In The Evolution of Kindness What Comes First?

A desire to have some is my guess. And then, hopefully and possibly, a desire to share some.
I think kindness comes before understanding. Sometimes, I think understanding should come last.
Or, no one may want to play. Or, they may quit too early. Because they may come to believe their understanding indicates no desire for change in others.
And then, they may want to make a new law. Supposedly, to bring change.
To punish those that have disappointed them by not changing quickly enough more like.

One thing life has taught me. Is one persons understanding may be anothers confusion.
I think most people are like mules. More than, they are like thoroughbreds. Mules have to know why. Before they agree to do something. A lot of thoroughbreds you can turn in any given direction and let them fly.
Thoroughbreds are all about the forward. Faaaaaassssssst...
Mules are about caution. And self-preservation. Mules are generally not perceived as having heart. Often presumed to be stubborn, contrary, and obstinate.
And sometimes, when they have received no real GOOD reasoning to move forward, they can become all of these things.

I am not trying to plow my garden, and work my soil, with a thoroughbred. Why should I? I have a mule.
The thoroughbred is for my recreation. And to look good when I go to town. And to get there quicker.
Maybe, you could call the thoroughbred a messengers horse. To get the message to town quick. Better be a well riding messenger though. Otherwise, the thoroughbred may arrive without the messenger. In town.
And cause everyone to wonder what the message really is.

I knew I had a plan for this picture. A horsemans version of the what came first the chicken or the egg riddle.
The horse came first. The mule came second. And the thoroughbred came third.
Win, place, and show.
How were you betting the finish? Or, should I say, the start?
And before anyone can even bother to ask. I am a mule. With a proud descendency of thoroughbred ancestry.

1 comment:

  1. I put the other one away. I was right. It is too new for me.
