Sunday, April 26, 2009

Someone Needs A Nap Or A Time Out!

Okay, if it is my World, why are there so many sources of irritation to me in it? I am not one of those individuals that believes there must be equal parts of evil and good to create balance.
Why can't we as a group, ever get it RIGHT?
And why must so many use vulnerable living creatures as pawns and podiums?

Send money or they will die. I am so sick of rescues and sanctuaries with starving and suffering pictures on the main page of their websites.
I am so sick of people who can't ride well despite having devoted years to the pursuit telling other people that they can't ride.

I am tired of opinions presented as fact. I am beyond tired of the celebrity feature in rescue.
I am tired of people fighting just to fight.
I am sick from the exposure to stupid.

I am really fucking sick of hearing about straight shoulders and polo ponies. How many anatomical features comprise an equine?
Can we pick a new one Alex please?

I am sick of amateur opinions presented as qualified fact. And snark has what to do with education, rescue, or equines?
I knew what a Tom Thumb bit was before someone presented a backwards curb and renamed it.
Did I mention, I am sick of stupid?

I pulled the cookies out of my Horse Traffic site a few weeks ago. Why? Because it has been done.
The numbers are important. But I would rather be underestimated.
Tracking is subjective to interpretation.
For instance, less than 650 readers are responsible for approximately 513,000 page impressions for someone else.
Someone else has slipped back in their rating by several thousand positions.
At this point, the blogs I created have in excess of 13,000 unique page impressions each month.
Translation, 13,000 unique readers.

Someone else was a topic at the most recent Horse Expo. It was like a come out meeting for those that were embarassed to admit they read.

I am not even comparing myself to the someone else. What would be the point? I already know I am smarter. I already know I ride better. I already know that my first concern in rescue is the equines.
I have no interest in bright lights and fame. In fact, I eschew it.

So maybe, just maybe, the point is being made. From day one I have tried to convey the novel concept of thinking for yourself. Don't just accept someone elses facts as your own.

I like animals. A lot... I do not own a parrot. I have no desire to. I have no want of hearing my own words and thoughts screeched back at me at decibel 10.

And for you snark lovers? I will lower myself to appease as it is probably the only thing you will take away from this.
If your fearless leader were in charge of training the last horse on the face of the Earth? There would still be nothing left to ride. Or should I say nothing left worth riding?

I think a nap. And a time out. In that order.
Self-discipline is a beautiful thing...

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