Monday, May 25, 2009

I Can't Believe I Am Going To Write This. But I Think I Finally Get It.

OMG I laughed til I cried. I think I finally understand why another blogger has often appeared almost rabid in regard to some of the horse related ads on craigslist.

I had never looked at them with regard to horses before. I specifically keyed in saddles and got horses thrown in too.

Earth shattering Irish Sport Horse. With a back long enough to put two 18" saddles on and still pack a small child.
All for the low low price of $7,500.

And two paint geldings with almost 180 days of training between them. Bomb proof, rock solid, etc., etc..
$2500 a pop take your choice. Because these 3 yr olds have seen it all...

And saddles? Blue Ridge Barrel Saddle cost $600. Who saw you coming? A Circle Y saddle I sold last year was listed for substantially more than I sold it for.
The horsedopia folks would get a kick out of where that one went.

Those cotton saddle blankets that most people buy for $6-$12 were listed for $42.95.

Who knew unregistered weanlings were bringing $500-$1500?

I am just going to stop myself right here. I am not including pictures. But I will say this this.

They should have called it instead.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What If? What If A Person Won The Lottery?

Can you imagine? I think most everyone has had that particular thought. What if I won the lottery?
What would I do?

Speaking for myself? I would send everything on the place to other trainers. The dogs and cats would go to the groomers and be boarded for a week or two.
I would dump piles of grain all over the farm site to keep the chickens and geese contented.
The rabbit would get some type of timed feeder.
And I would sleep.

For like a week.

And then, I would contact a real estate agent. And plan for the future. Contact the lawyer to set up some trusts for things I believe in.
And sleep some more.

Oh and I would have sent Micah and his Dad on one of those Disney cruises. So, I actually could sleep.

I would not tell anyone either. Nope. That alone has the power to change so much.
People could wonder.
But, I would not tell.

And I would buy a very big windmill. And a tractor. I have always wanted one. Probably an old grey and red Ford. John Deer is expensive.
I wanted a Kubota. I love orange. But that seems a bit extravagant.

What would you all do? If, you won the lottery?

Friday, May 22, 2009


A very unpleasant place to be. Bear in mind I am referring to the crap sales not the big money specialty sales where the Saudi Sheiks come to purchase.

Not a dissimilar experience to a casino. Filled with desperate people with an addiction. Or several.

Rescues purchasing in my mind is not any different than the private purchases. Except, they are most often purchasing with donated funds.
They tend to create more drama.
And expect the whole world to recognize this thing they have done and continue to do.

Here is my reality. And after 26 years of experience with this I have some standing to speak from.
I retired. I have allowed myself the permission to say, "Enough". At least, for me.

To me an auction is very similar to going to an orphanage of starving and abused children and saying, "Now I can only take a couple of you home".
It wears you down after awhile. Especially when the numbers at the auctions each month are 50-500. Or more.

Being surrounded by liars, thieves, deviants, suffering and neglect, has never been my idea of a recreational activity.
Or, a career I wished to pursue.
God who wants to be King of the compost pile?
Not me.

But I wanted to point out that all those private buyers deserve a pat on the back too.
And maybe, even a little round of applause.
After all, they have been doing this little thing called rescue long before it became popular.
And they haven't been asking anyone to subsidize them in their efforts.

Begging as a business does not hold much appeal for me. I would rather work. The whole charity thing sometimes reminds of the governmental agencies looking for one more way to skim the cream.

And I do not think that sale barn rejects and fuglies should ever be presumed to have a higher value than a horse that actually has a job. One who was bred and trained to perform.
At something other than eating 100lbs. of senior each week.

I love horses. I have a few sad sacks myself. But it was my choice to take them and care for them.
And to present them as equal to a working horse? Nope. Not even close. They are dependents in every sense of the word.

So here are my questions. What are we saving? Why? And who are we paying to do so?
And what is the message that we are really sending?
When there are families without homes. Hungry and undereducated people and children.

I wish everyone much luck in their continued efforts to raise money for organized rescue.
Because when rescues have to advertise on craigslist or offer animals in exchange for hay my guess is it is going to get worse before it gets better.
And if, you are spending that much time just trying to raise money to feed them how will you have enough time to train and promote them for adoption?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Forget "DUDE Where's My Car?" Where the hell is my Mustang?

Has anyone besides me noticed that there has been no new numbers of resolution released?
Did anyone else notice how many of those horses were never listed as available for adoption?

You know if they all got homes? GREAT!!! But why hasn't the information been shared?
Technical difficulty? Another media blackout by HSUS?

I am going to say it. The video clip released by HSUS wasn't exactly what I was expecting.
And the dead horses? The pile of 60+? Still have not seen it. And I still do not know what killed them all.
Proven and documentable fact. Not interested in hyperbole.

Jason Meduna may very well be a piece of crap. Don't know. Never met the guy. Never met the folks offering opinions and taking up a collection for the rope either.
For all I know he could be extremely mentally ill.
Taking in that many horses and trying to feed them all could do that to a person.
Or, prove that they were cracked to begin with.
Same could be said for those who endorsed and sponsored his efforts.

I would like to know the final numbers. It would be nice to know how many went to other rescues. Or, how many states adopted.

You see, when you live in a society where people are supposed to be tried on the basis of, facts.
There should be no reason to withhold the presentation of those facts.

Opinions can be titillating, entertaining, and sometimes, even amusing. But how do you form one without facts?
Or, should I say, how do you validate it?
Or, isn't that important anymore?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Why Renters And Boarders Suck...

I hate renters. Even more than I hate boarders. Why is it that people who understand the basic rules of getting along in society DO NOT understand the basic rules of IF it is NOT your's leave it alone.

Renter: Would it be okay if I used the big screen tv? Or, were you planning on taking that with you? Well what about the console then because I need something to put my tv on? (yes because I bought my furniture to give to you)

Boarder: I didn't know I could not use what ever is in the barn. I am paying to rent here.(when confronted with her horse completely dressed in my tack)

Renter: Say can I use your lawnmower? (After breaking the mower at the rental property driving over the rock garden)

Boarder: Well it was just hanging in the tackroom I did not think it would be a big deal. (handing me back one of my training bridles that CJ just happened to break both the reins on while grazing the yard unattended. Because boarder needed to use the bathroom and could she get a soda)

Renter: So your saying it is a problem if I have sex with the neighbor's husband in exchange for him doing the yardwork?(after all the neighbors are ready to lynch the new tramp in town)

Boarder: Oooopsie I didn't realize my ass and my boobs were hanging out. I thought it was your husband coming to do chores.(and yes, the board was late. AGAIN)

Renter: I mailed the check it isn't my fault if you didn't get it.

Boarder: I mailed the check it isn't my fault if you didn't get it.

Renter: Well I know I should have asked before I knocked it out but how was I supposed to know it was a load bearing wall?

Boarder: Well I know I didn't tell you my horse was a cribber but why should I have to pay extra for all the wood he eats? I am already paying board isn't that kind of stuff included?(because 12x12 cedar or oak boards are so cheap)

Renter: I know I have not paid rent in 3 months but you can't just kick me out.

Boarder: I know I have not paid board in 3 months but you can't just kick me out.

Renter: I don't understand what you are so angry about?

Boarder: I don't understand what you are so angry about?

Do you mind if I grab a soda? Is it okay if I use your bathroom? Oh I am so hungry what are you having for supper? I know it is late and I really should be going and let you get some sleep but can/could I have another soda and just use your phone for a minute? I can't get reception out here.

I could go on about this for a very long time. Suffice it to say, boarders and renters are a PAIN IN THE ASS!!!
At least, mine.

TRANSLATION? GET THE F*&^ OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009


The Riders:

Natural Horsemanship devotee looks like a throwback from a Texas ranch, despite the fact that he grew up in the suburbs of NJ. Rope coiled loosely in hand (don't want to send any messages of tension, after all in case he needs to herd any of those kids on roller blades away from his/her F-350 dually in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Cowboy hat is strategically placed, and just soiled enough to be cool. Wranglers are well worn, with that little wrinkle above the instep of the ropers, and lots of dust, well, you know, from the round pen on the lower legs.

Dressage Queen is freshly coifed. Not even she remembers her own hair color, but she has taken great pains to ensure that Rolfe, the hairdresser, makes the perm and highlights look "natural." Diamond studs are elegant and stately, and not so large that they blind the judge during the entire passage-piaffe tour. $30 denim jumper worn over $300 full seat white breeches and Koenigs.

Hunter/Jumper competitor is in an aqua polo and those breeches whose color could be compared to, um, well, okay, let's say they're khaki. The polo is so that folks will think they're a jumper rider until they put on their shirt and stock tie. Baseball cap is mandatory after a ride, in order to provide free advertising to that trainer's stable for whom they shell over a mere grand or so per month, and to hide "helmet head."

Eventer is slightly hunched over. This could be from carrying three saddles, three bridles, three bits, and all related color coordinated gear to every event, or it could possibly be a defensive posture where he/she is
unconsciously protecting his/her wallet, which is, of course, nearly empty from buying three saddles, three bridles, three bits and all related color coordinated gear. Looked down on by the H/J's as "people who just run their horses at fences" and by the DQ's as "not real dressage riders." Eventers are smugly convinced that they are in fact the only people in the horse world who CAN ride, since the H/J's don't jump real fences and the DQ's don't ride real horses.

Endurance Addict is wearing lycra tights in some neon color. Has not read the rule that lycra is a privilege, not a right. The shinier, the better, so that they can find her body when her mount dumps her down (another)
ravine. Wearing hiking sneakers of some sort and a smear of trail dirt on the cheek. Sporting one of the zillions of t-shirts she got for paying $75 to complete some other torturous ride. Socks may or may not match (each other).

Backyard Rider can be found wearing (in summer) shorts and bra, (in winter) flannel nightgown, buck boots, down jacket. Drives a Ford Tempo filled with dirty blankets and dog hair. Usually has deformed toes on the right foot from being stepped on in the Wal-Mart sneakers that are worn for riding. Roots need touching up to hide the grey. 2-horse bumperpull behind barn filled with sawdust/hay. Can be found trying to teach her horse to come in the kitchen to eat so she doesn't have to walk all the way to the barn.

The Horses

Rusty is the quintessential NH mount. Rescued from a situation where he was never initiated in the NH ways, he's learned to run down his owners at
feeding time, knock children from his back under low hanging branches, and could even spit like a camel if provoked. The embezzlement has never been proven. The hospitalization tally for his handlers was twelve until he met Spherical Sam. After twelve minutes in the round pen, he is teaching algebra to high school freshmen, speaks three languages fluently, and can put on his own splint boots (with Spherical Sam's trademark logo embossed clearly).

Fleistergeidelsprundheim ("Fleistergeidel" for short) is an 18-hand warmblood who was bred to make Grand Prix in a European nation where his breeders are still laughing hysterically when they talk about 'zat crazy American.' Despite being runty, his owner fell in love with his lofty gaits, proud carriage and tremendous athleticism. Never mind that this talent was not revealed until he was chased down by a rabid raccoon, and has not been repeated since. Has been injured 16 times in the last year, preventing his move to PSG at age 6, despite living in a 20' x 20' padded stall and providing family supporting wages to a groom whose chief job duty is "don't let him get hurt!"

Neverbeenraced is a prime example of an American Thoroughbred. The coat is deep bay, no markings, the textbook TB head, and no unusual conformational characteristics. Perfect, just perfect. Overcame a near fatal flat in his H/J career when he learned that the plants in the jumps are NOT real, and therefore did not require him to stop and taste. Has learned to count strides all by himself, and asks in midair which lead his mistress would like today.

Fastnhighasican is a Thoroughbred track reject who never won a single race - perfect eventer! He has two speeds, gallop and stopndump, and they are used, at his discretion, for all three phases of eventing, although he has some creative variations of gallop to spice up that boring dressage. There is the gallopdowncenterlineandrear, the gallopdepartandbuck, the extendedoutofhandgallop, and, a favorite among spectators, the gallopzigzagpirouette in which the gallop is performed entirely while hopping on his hind legs. His favorite phase is cross-country where all obstacles regardless of size are jumped at the height of 5.5 feet, and because that is where he gets to employ his personal favorite movement, the stopndump. This is the most fun when performed at cross-country water obstacles where his person invariably stands up soaking wet with murky, smelly water and threatens to sell him to Fleistergeidel's owner while he follows up with another fun gallop variation, the imfreeandyoucantcatchmegallop, another crowd-pleaser.

Al Kamar Raka Shazaam was often called "you bastard" until he found an other as hyper as he, an endurance addict. Can spook at a blowing leaf, spin a 360 and not lose his big trot rhythm or give up an inch to the horse behind him. Has learned to eat, drink, pee and drop to his resting pulse rate on command. Has compiled 3,450 AERC miles, with his rider compiling 3,445 - those five miles being the ones he was chased down the trail after performing his trademark 360 turn, without said aforementioned rider.

Snook'ums is the backyard rider's horse. Big head; stride of a gerbil. Duct tape holding shoe on until farrier gets out next month. Has a little Quarter, Arab, Standardbred, Tennessee Walker, Shetland blood. Mane cut with scissors straight across. He's been there so long she forgot how she got him or where he came from. Frequently seen ambling around the yard. Been known to join family picnics on the back porch.

Frequently Overheard

NH Devotee - "Well, shucks ma'am, tweren't nuthin'!" "It's simple horsemanship." "With this special twirly flickitat'em rope ($17.95 plus tax), you'll be roundpenning like me in no time." "You silly human, that just ain't natural for a horse."

Dressage Queen - "On no, he's hurt again?!" "The check is in the mail." To Herr Germanlastname: "Can't you tune up those one tempis for me?" To the groom: "Get me that mounting block - can't you see my nails are still wet?" To the show manager: "That footing has ruined my chances at Olympic Gold in 2000, I'll have you know." and "What were you thinking, stabling me next to that nobody? That horse could be 'diseased'?" To anyone who will listen: "When I had dinner with Hilda / Lendon / Robert..."

H/J Competitor - "Did you tell Neverbeenraced how many strides between fence four and fence five - I can never remember!" "Is my butt sticking out enough when I post?" "Oh no, I can't jump 2'6", my trainer will KILL me!" "I can't wait to do jumpers with Neverbeenraced - then we can wear one of those tasseled ear covers!"

Eventer - "I broke my collarbone/ribs/ankle again last week, but I'll be fine for the jog-up tomorrow." "How do you get pond water out of saddle leather?" "Did you see our show jumping where Fastnhighasican bounced the two stride combination?" "Did you see our final gallopdowncenterlineandrear? I think he is finally starting to relax in dressage." "Oh, it's just a little concussion. Have you seen my horse?"

Endurance Addict - "Anyone have Advil?" "Anyone have food? I think last year's Twinkies finally went bad." "For this pain, I spend money?" "Oh, I never bring hay or water to the vet checks - there's always plenty around." "Quick, quick, did you look, was his pee okay?" "Shazaam, you bastard - it's just a leaf [thud]!"

Backyard Rider - "It's too hot/cold/wet/dry to ride." "I used to show." "Where's my Metamucil?" "Has anyone seen Snook'ums? Last I saw he was across the road in the cornfield." "Here's a picture of Snook'ums when he was 43 years young!" "Snook'ums stop slobbering on me."


Thursday, May 7, 2009


I am genuinely thrilled to know and share that the 3 Strikes Mustangs are no longer at this time endangered.
I am thoroughly blown away by what ALL of the volunteers, and ABR and yes, even HSUS,
have managed to accomplish!!!
This has been a fantastical example of what can happen when people work together.
And I am so excited for the horses.
The outpouring has been tremendous.
From the individual who donated time and/money, to the professionals, and the companies, and the agencies, and the rescues, who donated and helped to bring resolution.
And The Sheriff's Department for causing charges to come into play.


I am so proud you all proved me wrong. Thank you sincerely and from the depths of my heart for all you have done to help these animals.
Oh, and what the hell, forgiveness for all.

I did say, "I would be the last person to say good job"...

Oh, and Cathy? Very good job... I mean that sincerely...

Dena Rodacker

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Friends Call Me Turtle...

One of my least favourite dealers brought this filly to a local crap sale. With a whole herd that he had purchased at bargain basement prices from a colour breeder.
I made the mistake of walking by the ring to leave.
The auctioneer said, "What about you Dena"? My response was, "Whatever". Apparently that translates into "SOLD"!

If, I recall correctly, she was close to 3 months when she came. Rip weaned at the sale. And a nightmare to handle. Anytime she startled she flipped right over on her back. And most everything startled her.

And then, there were, the sale barn snots, the ringworm, the strangles that just about killed her(she broke behind the throatlatch in her neck), another round of ringworm, and after many cold nights in in the barn nursing her, here she is.

She is an angel for the farrier. Fair about doctoring(shots). And she hates the clippers with a purple passion(we are working on that). Very soft in the halter.
And she has finally learned to tie and stand quietly.

She is very sensitive skinned. Think hypereactive Thoroughbred. And she is insanely fast...

Her name on application is, "Go Leona Go". She is broodstock paint. Sonny Dee Bar and Tiger Leo topside. Her mother is not on allbreed but her name is, "Rodeo Dun It".

She may very well end up going to live with Bobby the 17hand wonderhorse in ND. I just need to know the flipping thing is truly a thing of the past. She currently has about 6 months flip free under her belt. When it is a year then I will know.
She will be 2 sometime this year. As you can see, by how high her rear end is, she is no where near mature enough to start under saddle.
We will see how she looks next year.

All of our youngstock are late babies. April through June.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Meet Madam Jiggles...

This is Eternal Moment. Our nod to the off the track Thoroughbred. Em is 5 this year. And this is her second stay with us.
She was originally here in August, I think, of last year. She became cost prohibitive for the folks she went to live with and returned in January.

Em too, is on a diet of solely forage. 90% alfalfa that tests 21% or better.
Her original owners are coming for a visit this summer. From Nebraska.
Em was a little distracted in the first 2 pictures. Gato was buzzing her pasture by way of the inside of the farmers field.

She has her new shoes on. And is ready to go back into training. She is a fairly level headed girl. And a very nice ride.
I am thinking not bad weight for a TB who is only on hay. She has actually gained since being here.
Poor Em. No more Scampers Choice for her. As if, she needs to be any thicker.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hey Baby Take A Walk On The Wild Side...

I have added the under saddle pictures here. And some of my old time lawn mower on the thread directly below this. There is a lot to be said for a good angle in picture taking.

Gato the amazing yellow horse. Who has to date, at least, 4 lives. That is how many times he has escaped the truck.
The first picture was taken I believe in October 2007. He was a little tubby. Grained twice a day. Non- working. He was on the thin side when he came. Not emaciated. Ribby and raised backbone.
The other pictures were taken today.
No, he isn't quite as thick.

We switched the younger stock over to a program recommended by Dr. Harlan Anderson. Solely forage. We feed 90% alfalfa that tests 21% or better.
No grains left in the hind guts.

We did have one of the toughest winters here in Minnesota that we have suffered through in quite some time.
Think -30 as a good day.

Anyway, now it is finally Spring. HA! Almost summer more like. And our last snow was what? 2 weeks ago?

Gato has an interesting history in that he is not what a person would call a get along kind of horse.
I think he licked and chewed for the first time today after a lesson.
He has however changed remarkably from when he came.
I don't know if the pictures reflect it or not but he has his new shoes on. And he goes into the conditioning portion of his training program beginning tomorrow.

Now be careful making snap judgements based on these pictures. I am trying to make a point here.
Tomorrow he will have a haircut. A bath. And I will take something more resembling conformation shots.
And pictures under tack.
I guarantee these pictures from today were taken from angles guaranteed to mislead.

Gato was and is what we term, "An Issue Horse". I believe he was so mishandled at one point he even received a tryout for a rodeo company as a bucking horse.
I spent 20 days poulticing and wrapping a hind leg with 2 huge eggs on it that everyone said would not go away.
Having chute gates slammed on him was my guess. And I do know where he was staying before his last pitstop at the KBs.

There were a couple of times I questioned euthanizing him myself. He was dangerous in his original insanity.
The biggest thing that always made me reconsider? His relationship with Micah.
He could be blowing a full scale fit. This horse used to rear high enough in the air to look like he was doing a backbend.
We never flipped him though. Rough handling was the last thing he needed.
Micah would come running up, and the minute that horse heard or saw him he would stop, blow, get a little soft in the eye, and give him a nuzzle on the forehead.
And a good nudge that very clearly stated, "I like you kid. But get out of the way before you get hurt".
Micah would take hold of the lead, and that horse would drop his head to Micah's elbow and walk off. A few strides off and you would hear this huge sigh.

It took a long time for this horse to settle enough to trust. Let alone, begin to learn.
And when he decided he liked you? OMG!!! Breaking stall gates, to come visit. Taking out 3 strands of high tensile electric fence, to come visit.
The only horse I have ever personally met that will pick up the entire round pen and run with it. I assume because he could.

He has come a very long way. He may rear in play with the herd. But he has not reared being handled since July of 2007. He came June 6 of 2007.
He hasn't felt the need to kick anyone since February of 2008. He had never had his feet done when he came to us as a three year old.

He had 60 days of under saddle training with another individual last year. Tim Hennen of Birch Culee. He was too much for me and I am not ashamed to admit it.
Tim did a fantastic job with him. Brought him along real nice.

Gato clips, bathes, loads, and trailers. The farrier loves him now. And he gets his shoes burned on.
And thanks to Tim he has a very nice start under saddle.

I would never allow this horse to go to an amateur. Or, a juvenile. I do not wish to mislead anyone.
Yes, he has been handled by Micah since Micah was almost 5. But this is one of those strange exceptions.
It does NOT mean I would place Micah in the saddle on Gato with all the protective gear in the world. Yet. I expect this horse to continue to improve. But he is still as green as the grass he is munching in the pictures.

Gato is a safe horse for a experienced horse(wo)man. Most horses are.
He is not safe for a beginner. Except apparently, Micah.

Gato is currently 5. And even though, he has $13,500 in stud fees on his first 3 top lines. Sire, Grandsire, Great Grandsire. He is a Grandson of Frenchmans Guy. And a Great Grandson of Sunfrost. He still ended up in the direct to slaughter pen. Several times.
He has tremendous agility. And appears to have interest in the cows. Great expression!..
And moves with a powerful and effortless drive that takes your breath away. A total air glide ride.
He is quick. But, not what I would consider a barrel prospect.

So, meet Gato. Rescue #2.

On a sidenote; Keith Tongen the KB whose horses were on that double decker that tipped over in Illinois has reached an agreement with the prosecution.
Something to the effect of 2 years probation and a $4,000 fine.
I purchased Gato from him for $325.00 June 4, 2007. And little Joe for $200. And Reyna for $375.00. And Lizzie B for $100.
We no longer purchase from KBs and feedlots. Or sale venues. We determined that based on, our own beliefs, we were not helping horses by contributing to any of those folks staying in business.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Message To The Alex Brown Racing Forum And The Fans Of Barbaro

I have struggled with my understanding of how you all arrive at the conclusions that you do. In truth, I think that a great many of you are overzealous in your desire to help horses.
I believe that is your driving force.

But, I do have difficulty with what you are supporting. I am not throwing blows here. I am simply saying. And I believe, as someone who bore the brunt of, your disillusionment and anger. Over having been, so successfully scammed by so many supposed rescues, I have some standing to question and state.

I wish to be very clear in that I do not wish to be a recipient of the money that you raise. I asked for help once. A rather limited amount of help.
What was it? $600 maybe?

I had no idea the rules or guidelines to asking for help online. At that time, I barely knew how to operate a computer.
No money was ever solicited to be sent directly to us. Nor did or do we have a PayPal account.
And while, I came to know later that you had all been the victims of scammers and frauds. I had no way of knowing that at the time.

Many of you crowed about being able to determine me a scammer. How smart some of you were.
I believe one poster even threatened to have me incarcerated. For fraud.
And I was turned over to fhotd. For what you all had determined were my just desserts.
For asking for help.

I was called "Begging Bertha". "Another Panhandler At The Park". And had someone else's interpretation of my life made into public fodder on the internet.

Even now, some of you dare to call me a scammer. And it does bother me. Mostly, that you would dare.
As, so many of the rescues your group have supported, have proven to be frauds and scammers.

I still have all of the same animals that I did in October of 2008. I am not the subject of any type of negative Humane action.
Why do you suppose that is?
We all know there were many many anonymous calls to AC. Why am I, the one you labeled, a scammer and a hoarder, not the one who is currently the subject of investigation?

I would never ask for money from either of these boards again. Without meaning to be, harsh or hurtful, I think many of you give far more than you can afford to.
And I do believe you donate irresponsibly.
And the follow up is very poor.

I think many of you have become "Rescue Addicts". Which is, very similar to being a hoarder.
And I think, in all honesty, that I feel sorry for many of you.
Because, you are not responsible.

I believe in many instances, you made promises of money to get horses placed at 3 Strikes. And dropped the ball after.
1 man and 336 mustangs? How could that have ever been considered a good idea?

I can commend your efforts to raise money to help address the 3 Strikes situation and to feed the workers.
I can commend your ability to organize quickly and with some proficiency.
But neither, can I forget.
I cannot overlook that you also could have organized to have a spot check done once a month.
Never did you require Jason Meduna's permission to do a fly over. As some of you had horses there.

I am going to be over the next week, posting histories and pictures of the animals here. I invite you all to take a look.
Because in truth, We, as in, my family and I, are owed an apology. For everything that the ABR board caused to be rained upon us.
We have never violated our promises to the animals.
And we, more so than, any rescue the ABR board has supported, have done it for the most part with our own money.
We asked for help once. And received a fair amount of abuse in return. The funny thing is, We are still here. As, are the animals we committed to help.

We do not consider the ABR board to be in the same league with rescue. We can hope that will change.
And that you will become responsible.
In truth, that would be our hope for all of you.
But we, would not be comfortable endorsing your efforts at this time.

I apologize if this is cause for offense. But it is nothing compared to what we were exposed to by so many of you.